Aqui em Lisboa gostamos de estar ao ar livre – a dançar, a comer, a beber, a relaxar. Decidimos juntar essas coisas todas num Chill Out Picnic!
A Swing Station, em parceria com a Junta de Freguesia de Arroios, está a organizar este piquenique no Campo Mártires da Pátria como um momento de descanso no festival. Entre aulas e festas também é preciso relaxar e conviver!
Vamos fugir um pouco do swing e apreciar “The Greats” da música soul! Otis Redding, Sam Cooke, Solomon Burke, Etta James, James Brown, entre outros, vão criar a banda sonora deste fim de tarde. Quem resiste?!?
Traz comes e bebes ou compra no quiosque na praça.
Relaxa ou dança – a escolha é tua!
Com o apoio da <a href=”https://www.facebook.com/jfarroios/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Junta de Freguesia de Arroios</a>
You might have realized that here in Lisbon, we like to do things outdoors to enjoy the beautiful weather and nice spots we have throughout the city!
Swing Station, in partnership with the Junta de Freguesia de Arroios, is planning a Chill Out Picnic and the good news is it’s a 5-minute walk from the class venue, Lisboa Ginásio Clube! So no excuses! Come out and relax a bit after classes and before getting all spiffy for the party.
At Campo Mártires da Pátrica, we’re going to break out of the swing mood just a wee bit and play some of the greats in soul music! Otis Redding, Sam Cooke, Solomon Burke, Etta James, James Brown, and more will be making up the soundtrack for the late afternoon. Who could resist that?!?
Bring some food or buy some at the supermarket in the square. There’s also a kiosk selling some snacks and drinks. And don’t forget some amazing ice cream at the italian gelato shop!
Eat, drink, dance, chill. It’s up to you!
With support from <a href=”https://www.facebook.com/jfarroios/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Junta de Freguesia de Arroios</a>